Hi! My name is Melissa Courie and I am a Certified Holistic Wellness Coach through the IAWP where I was trained in wellness, holistic health and nutrition, and natural health. I also have a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Sociology. I focus on a natural approach to eating and living that addresses your whole person. My goal is to support you to reach your health goals and create a life you love to wake up to every day.

My passion for health and wellness began back in school. In high school and college, I took various wellness courses where I learned the basics of nutrition and exercise. As I continued on my wellness journey, I became more engulfed in the diet culture. I was working out daily and strictly counting calories, everything was about numbers. Before I knew it, what started out as balanced eating had turned into deprivation. I realized this was not a sustainable way to live nor a healthy one. I was tired of tracking every single bite I ate and constantly planning out my food for the day.

Fast forward to being a mom of 2, I no longer had the time or energy to think about what I was going to eat and you could forget about tracking what I ate. My diet then consisted mainly of protein bars, coffee, and eating my kids leftovers as I cleaned up after those tiny tornadoes! I felt drained all of the time even though I was drinking coffee ALL. THE. TIME. My passion for health and wellness had been put on the back burner for a few years and I was ready to make it a priority again. I knew I wanted to get healthy but I didn’t want to go back to counting calories and depriving myself. And I didn’t want to teach my girls that way of living.

I began researching and incorporating wellness back into our lives when I stumbled upon wellness coaching. I took a HUGE leap of faith and dived in head first! I learned about natural health and nutrition, applied what I was learning to my own life and WOW was I amazed! I am able to maintain a healthy weight, keep my energy up without endless amounts of coffee, and not count a SINGLE calorie or eliminate an entire food group. Now do I still get some cravings? Occasionally over indulge in dessert? Or reach for that second (okay, sometimes third) cup of coffee? Absolutely. But, do I now have techniques that help me get back on track? Do I no longer feel shameful and like a failure if I slip up? Am I able to love my body (and myself!)? ABSOLUTELY!

I strive to help others find the same freedom.

Through my accredited education with the International Association of Wellness  Professionals, I’m trained in a unique health philosophy called Wellness 360™ that helps people to create health and balance in all areas of their life.

I use a proven coaching process called the CORE Coaching Method which supports my clients to not only reach their goals but create lasting changes.  

As a Wellness 360™ Coach, I help my clients through 5 proven steps designed to help them create total mind-body wellness with tons of support and guidance on their journey.

Learn more about my Wellness 360™ Coaching Programs here.

Living a healthy life you love is right around the corner

    About Me:

– Certified Wellness Coach with the International Association of Wellness Professionals
– Wellness 360™ Coach